Elections of 2005

From the Chair: March is fast approaching and that means it’s time for the annual meeting (Friday March 18th), which is when we elect the council positions for the next term (4/05 to 3/06). If you are interested in any position, you can click on the positions (if not vacant) to email that person any question involving that job. The existing positions are as follows:

Chair- prepares agenda for council meetings, newsletter articles and conducts discovery meetings. 

Vice-Chair- fills in at discovery meetings in absence of chair and assists with opening or closing. 

Treasurer- deposits income, writes checks, balances monthly bank statements and prepares monthly report. Retrieves bills from Post Office Box. 

Secretary- takes minutes at council meetings and posts weekly event reminders on the group e-mail. 

Events Coordinator- provides refreshments for discovery meetings. 

Newsletter Editor- formats information for newsletter, has copies printed and delivers for distribution. 

Facilitator Coordinator- creates topics and assigns facilitators for discovery meetings. 

Membership- receives member information and payment, maintains database of current members for roster and communicates information for monthly mailing labels. 

Newsletter Distribution- Arranges for labels, obtains stamps and mails monthly newsletter. 

Registration - opens for discovery meetings and takes admissions from members/non-members. 

Publicity- submits monthly pathfinder article to Times-Dispatch and researches other publicity options. 

Information Line- retrieves messages, return calls and records greeting as necessary. 

Web Site Administrator- updates monthly calendar, maintains site and responds to e-mails. 

Alumni Coordinator- updates alumni information (excel). Create calling lists for alumni events. 

*It is requested that all positions attend the monthly council meetings (usually first Mon of month at 7pm). Last year a few of the positions remained vacant. Most of us are willing to continue in our positions, but it would be easier for everyone if all the positions were filled, so we could spread out the workload. This year it worked very well when the Registration & Event positions shared the Discoveries. Please contact me by email or Phone at 342-7495 and let me know in what capacity you would be willing contribute to the continuing success of Solo.